Helping Baby Develop A Strong Immune System

This post is sponsored by ​Evivo​, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. 

The day after giving birth is a whole different mix of emotions no one can quite prepare you for. Even the third time around was still humbling! This person, this LIFE, is your complete responsibility. Through motherhood, I have learned a lot about how God creates women and moms with a “sixth sense”. That in every way, our instincts are to protect our babies, to nurture them, and care for them. When they’re upset, you’re upset, yet you still know exactly what they need. Deep breathe momma, you know exactly what they need! After having three kids, I now know that I’m not in control. 


Through experiences, I have gained wisdom and I have  confidence that can only come from being a mom, specifically in terms of nursing on demand instead of trying to force my little ones onto a schedule. Motherhood has taught me how to go with the flow and trust that the Lord has given me everything I need to be the mom He created me to be. Some lessons I learned the hard way, especially when it comes to the parts of my babies that I can’t see physically, like the importance of their gut health. I have started using Evivo Probiotic with Josie, and it’s been instrumental in reducing gassiness, inflammation and the discomfort of bloating that leads to trouble sleeping! Similar to my adult needs for probiotics, Evivo has taught me how essential probiotics are for babies so that they, too, can have healthy and strong immune systems. 


What might seem like a hopeless fight to get your little one to sleep, poop or experience comfort regularly could actually be pointing to a problem in their gut that can be solved with a probiotic! As with everything, there is “good” and “bad”. The same is true for bacteria that can make its way into our babies’ guts.


Evivo reduces bad gut bacteria by 80% because it holds a strain of B. Infantis EVC001, a superior strain of B. infantis*, which begins working immediately with breastmilk to crowd out that bad gut bacteria and replace it with good! This whole inner working produces a protective environment for the baby's gut! Bad gut health can heavily influence a higher risk of diaper rash, colic, eczema, allergies and autoimmune diseases. 

 I encourage you to look into Evivo and explore your options, especially if any of those symptoms have been true since the very beginning of your little one’s purpose-filled life. Safeguard your baby’s short and long term health with Evivo Baby Probiotic.  It's recommended by top pediatricians, lactation consultants, and parents just like you! To my momma heart, I need to know that I have done what I could to keep my kiddos in the best health possible. Have you looked into probiotics for your kiddos? 

Learn more about Evivo Baby Probiotics by visiting Evivo & don’t miss out on your chance to get $10 off your one month Evivo starter kit with code (BLOGRPHT2F), or receive $20 off your two month or greater Evivo starter kit with code (BLOG296RZZ)!

*B. infantis EVC001 out-performs other commercially-available B. infantis strains lacking important functions of the H5 cluster

Kariss FarrisComment