The Gram

Yesterday we missed our 1st flight (got there in plenty of time for the flight, but not in enough time to check our bags) Then, we didn’t get our new tickets for the next flight until 30 minutes before the plane left. Which meant, again, we didn’t have enough time to check our bags.

You should’ve seen us rushing through TSA with our family sized baggage and sleepy kids, while they threw away the lotions, sunscreens, and body washes from the big bag that was supposed to be checked. 😭We thought the stressful part was over. But no, an alert from my phone said the flight changed terminals. Running through the airport and on sky trains with a stroller, 2 kids, and 3 suitcases is not a good look. I never even ran to class when I was late. I never wanted to be “the runner.” 🤦🏽‍♀️

Josh beat me to the gate and literally stood in the door with his body to keep them from leaving without Ellie and I. They checked our bags, ran us down the runway, and held us at the plane so they could find seats for us since our new tickets were unassigned. They found seats...separated. Ellie and I on row 7 and josh on row 29. 4 hours with a 4 month old a 2 year old in a confined space, isn’t a good look either.

All this to say, don’t let Instagram fool you. So many times I’ve looked at other people’s Instagram life and allowed myself to believe in perfection. Lives where nothing goes wrong and everything is documented beautifully, kids are always happy and well behaved, moms are forever put together, hair maintains the perfect twist-out with edges staying laid, relationships are GOALS, and homes are spotless. Just in case anyone ever believed that my highlight reel was more than a HIGHLIGHT REEL I wanted to set the record straight. Don’t allow pretty pictures to steal an ounce of joy from your beautiful life.