Two Sizes Too Small

A month before Josh and I got married I realized that I ordered my wedding dress 2 sizes smaller…. But had forgotten to eat right and work out😭. So I started a diet that required me to use a syringe to inject HCG into my body every morning, in addition to eating only 500 calories a day. By some kind of miracle, in 1 month, I was 2 sizes smaller and slipped into my wedding dress with ease.

Every morning we have to wake up and first inject ourselves with the life giving power of the word of God. But that isn’t enough. If had only given myself injections, I wouldn’t have experienced victory. I couldn’t inject myself, then go out and eat whatever I wanted and expect change. So not only do we have to fill ourselves with His words we have to set our minds on it all day and focus on the goal of eternity.

The minute I stopped injecting myself and eating 500 calories a day, it was downhill. After the honeymoon, I surpassed the weight I was before I began! When we backtrack, the enemy has a way to push us further back than where we were before we began. Remain consistent in taking in and acting on the word of God. Do not grow weary in doing good. Drop a💉 if you are committed to not only infusing yourself with God’s word, but also living it out today.

Joshua 1:8 “And don't for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you'll get where you're going; then you'll succeed.”
